We love it when you feel comfortable in your surroundings. That's why our goal is to turn your home into the focal point of your life, fully supporting and reflecting your needs and way of living. Every detail should be perfectly thought out, both functional and aesthetic.
In order to offer you this to the fullest extent, we are engaged in the fields of architecture, interior design, and interior construction in Hamburg and beyond. Our architects and interior designers take on the planning and design of your home with passion and expertise, whether it's new construction, the renovation of old structures, or refurbishments. In the realm of construction, we collaborate with experts from affiliated architectural firms.
When it comes to floor planning, we think from the inside out. First and foremost, you as a person matter to us—your emotions, habits, style, workflow, and your family's energy. Around you, we design spaces, create floor plans, remove unnecessary structural elements—and distill down to what truly matters. Our architects and interior designers bring years of experience and creativity to the planning process, refining your floor plans until we've collectively crafted the optimal solution for your living spaces.
Apart from the creative planning process, our experts bring years of specialized knowledge to the execution and technical planning of kitchens and bathrooms, fitted furniture and built-in closets, lighting, electrical, heating, and plumbing.
But it's not just the planning and design of your home that are in the best hands with us—we also take care of the services provided by other trades. Thanks to our years of expertise in architecture and interior design, we have the best and most reliable contacts with craftsmen whom we've been working with trustingly and successfully for years. Upon your request, we can handle the entire communication, contract allocation, coordinate various trades on-site—and oversee their work. This allows us to realize interior construction within the shortest time frame and deliver it "turnkey.
Wir lieben es, wenn Sie sich in Ihrer Umgebung wohl fühlen. Deshalb ist es unser Ziel, Ihr Zuhause zu Ihrem Lebensmittelpunkt zu machen, der Ihre Bedürfnisse und Ihre Art zu Leben in vollem Umfang unterstützt und widerspiegelt. Jedes Detail soll perfekt durchdacht sein, sowohl funktional als auch ästhetisch.
Um Ihnen dies in vollem Umfang anbieten zu können, sind wir im Bereich Architektur, Innenarchitektur und Innenausbau in Hamburg und weit darüber hinaus tätig. Die Planung und den Entwurf Ihres Zuhauses übernehmen unsere Architekten und Innenarchitekten mit Leidenschaft und Expertise, ob Neubau, Sanierung von alter Bausubstanz oder Renovierung. Im Bereich des Hochbaus arbeiten wir mit Experten aus befreundeten Architekturbüros zusammen.
Bei der Grundrissplanung denken wir von innen nach außen. Zunächst sind Sie uns als Mensch wichtig, Ihre Emotionen, Gewohnheiten, Stil, Workflow – und die Energie Ihrer Familie. Um Sie herum entwerfen wir Räume, planen den Grundriss, entfernen überflüssige Bausubstanz – und reduzieren auf das, was wirklich wichtig ist. Unsere Architekten und Innenarchitekten bringen jahrelange Erfahrung und Kreativität in den Planungsprozess ein und optimieren Ihre Grundrisse, bis wir gemeinsam die optimale Lösung für Ihre Wohnräume geschaffen haben.
Neben dem kreativen Prozess der Planung bringen unsere Experten jahrelanges fachliches Know-how mit was die Ausführungs- und Werkplanung von Küche und Bad, Kastenmöbel und Einbauschränke, Licht, Elektro, Heizung und Sanitär angeht.
Aber bei uns sind nicht nur Planung und Entwurf Ihres Zuhauses in besten Händen, wir kümmern und auch um Leistung, die von anderen Gewerken ausgeführt werden. Denn dank unserer jahrelangen Expertise in Architektur und Innenarchitektur verfügen wir im über die besten und zuverlässigsten Kontakte zu Handwerkern, mit denen wir seit Jahren vertrauensvoll und erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten. Auf Ihren Wunsch hin übernehmen wir die komplette Kommunikation, Auftragsvergabe, koordinieren die unterschiedlichen Gewerke vor Ort – und nehmen sie ab. So können wir einen Innenausbau innerhalb kürzester Zeit realisieren und „schlüsselfertig“ abliefern.
Preliminary and Conceptual Planning
• Visit to your property and documentation of existing plans
• Development of a floor plan + floor plan optimization
• Kitchen and bathroom planning
• Lighting planning
• Selection of colors, materials, mood boards, and collages
• cost estimate
Executional and detailed Planning
• Creation of detailed construction plans
• Furniture planning, including detailed plans for all furnishings
• Furniture design: sideboards, high and low boards, fireplace and entertainment walls, wardrobes
• Flooring planning, materials, techniques
• Obtaining quotes from trades – preparation of precise cost calculations
• Development of a construction timeline
Trade Management + Monitoring
• Construction meetings with involved parties and scheduling coordination of all services
• Supervision and monitoring of construction work
• Inspection and approval of all trades
Wir realisieren zur Zeit diverse Projekte auf Sylt.
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We have presented our design philosophy, our quality standards, a selection of our references, and much more in a book that you can view online here. The physical copy is available for viewing in our lounge at Alsterufer – along with a fine cappuccino.
Our brand, Bornhold - The Fine Art of Interior, represents the entire world of stylish living. In addition to planning and design, the creation of individual living spaces is our passion. In our showrooms in Hamburg and on Sylt, we present to you the most renowned collections from national and international furniture brands – from the effortless elegance of the Italians to pure design icons. Handcrafted using the finest materials and exceptional craftsmanship, refined and functional down to the smallest detail.
With our Bornhold Manufactory, we are capable of fulfilling even the most individualized furniture requests: whether it's upholstered furniture – including ergonomic considerations, precise dimensions in width, depth, and height, hardness levels in seating and backrests, as well as upholstery fabrics and leather. Our fitted furniture is also individually designed and custom-made in the manufactory, tailored to fit your floor plan or within the confines of sloping roofs. In collaboration with our carpentry, we design and build kitchens without the constraints of standard measurements (as is common in the kitchen industry). Our customers have complete freedom in selecting materials and colors for countertops, fronts, fittings, and electrical appliances. This results in individually crafted interior solutions, kitchens, and beautifully designed individual pieces of furniture.
Visit us at or at our showroom at Alsterufer 1-3 in Hamburg.