Interior design in Hamburg
A Stunning Loft in Beautiful Historic Architecture, even exceptional for Hamburg, and it's what defines the atmosphere of the entire space. The concept was to infuse the apartment with an energetic focal point, a place where the family and many friends could gather. Thus, a large table is surrounded by comfortable benches, chairs, and armchairs, inviting people to dine, discuss, work, learn, dance, and revel in joy. The interplay of shapes and colors is unique and instantly uplifting. The addition of art adds the finishing touch to the interior design.
The design language of the expansive dining area, also serving as an entryway and merging seamlessly into the living room, extends throughout the entire loft, becoming more tactile as the spaces become more private.
And who were the clients? Creative and decisive, unafraid of colors and expressive forms. The collaboration, from planning and design to completion, was marked by mutual trust and proved to be a fantastic partnership.
As we look at the outcome, we find Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's words to be fitting: "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."