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Interior Design in Hamburg


An Existing Structure Transformed: Combining Interior Design and Modern Architecture"We have significantly modified an existing property, aligning the interior design with the contemporary external architecture to ensure visual and spatial harmony. During the interior construction phase, the ceiling in the living room, adorned with steel beams, was suspended, bringing about a sense of visual tranquility and enhancing acoustic comfort within the vast space. Small "unused" spaces were opened up, transforming them into integral parts of the larger overall experience. The influence of incoming light played a pivotal role throughout the interior design planning process.


The built-in cabinets and dressing room, crafted according to Bornholm Architects' designs, were meticulously fabricated in our own workshop, tailored to fit.


The result is a completely unique – in our view: stunning – property


Blick durch Glastür in Küche mit Esstisch und Stühlen. Geplant von Architekten und Innenarchitekten.


Floor plan optimization and furnishing of an apartment, Hamburg





Design & Architecture

Petra Bingman



Detail Foto von Hängeleuchte und Sideboard. Eigene Manufaktur
Detail Foto Schrankwand entworfen und geplant von Bornhold.
Geplantes Badezimmer mit Tapete und dunklen Wasserhahn.
Wohnzimmer entworfen und geplant mit accessoires und vorhängen
Badezimmer designed und entworfen mit tapete, wandleuchten und Farbauswahl
Collage an Bildern von Badezimmer, Schlafzimmer, Küche und Flur. Geplant und Entworfen von unseren Innenarchitekten.
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